Mimili Maku Arts (APY LANDS)
Mimili Maku Art center takes its name from the maku (witchetty grub) found in the roots of the Acacia Kempeana. The Maku Tjukurpa (witchetty grub songline) is a significant story from this area. As with other art centres, Mimili Maku Arts is an Aboriginal-owned and governed arts business.
The art center involves men and women, young people and old people from the community and four surrounding homelands of Perentie Bore, Wanmara, Blue Hills and Sandy Bore.
Exhibited works by Mimili Maku artists attract attention with their traditional imagery, symbols and narrative combined with untainted abstract and distinctive application of colour. The strong abstract variations and complex depictions of country, tjukurpa and contemporary stories by artists at Mimili Maku generate unmatched interest from collectors nationally and overseas.
The community of Mimili is in the far north west of South Australia, at the base of the Everard Ranges, in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands. It is 645km south of Alice Springs which is the nearest large town. Mimili is home to 350 Anangu people who speak a mix of Yankunytjatjara, Pitjantjatjara, Ngaanyatjarra and Luritja.
The community was established in the early 1970’s after the land was returned to the traditional owners. The land the community occupies was previously part of Everard Park Station. Many of the older members of the community were employed on the station undertaking mustering, droving and breaking in horses for station work and racing.