Yuta print project - young artists (east arnhem land)
The Yuta Project is a youth driven series of workshops held at Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Arts in Yirrkala, Northern Territory. These workshops have resulted in a series of prints & etchings produced by young Yolngu artists. This remarkable project has empowered the individual in the community, without boundaries or judgment, by providing a safe space where young Yolngu can involve themselves artistically. The project aimed itself at youth who are not engaged with mainstream schooling and are at risk from substance abuse, suicide, teenage pregnancy and violence, lack of motivation and self-confidence. These contemporary and sophisticated artworks are a reflection of what these young people find important in their daily lives and are a powerful insight into issues facing Indigenous youth in Yirrkala. They are also a testament to the immense talent the next generation of artists in the region hold.